
Sunday, May 19, 2024


We Are Affiliated With Saint Joseph’s Hospital

There are times when surgery, tests and other highly specialized medical services are needed in providing you and your family with high quality compassionate care. Parkway Family Physicians has an affiliation with Saint Joseph’s Hospital in downtown St. Paul. This relationship allows us to work as your advocate while preserving continuity of your care. If you are hospitalized, your Parkway physician will continue to care for you and monitor your progress . . . most doctors today no longer do this as it is too inconvenient.

St. Joesephs

St. Joseph’s holds the distinction of being Minnesota’s very first hospital, it was founded by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet in 1853. St. Joseph’s Hospital is accredited by the Joint Commission for Accreditation of Hospitals and has been named among the nation’s “100 Top Hospitals for Cardiac CareSt. Joseph’s offers a comprehensive range of medical services and specialty programs and their commitment to high quality, compassionate care is second to none.

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Patient Testimonials

“The Parkway staff is cheerful, nice, and polite.  They smile, remember your name, and they seem to be the type of people you’d actually want to spend time with (unlike some places, where it seems the staff has been sucking pickles).  Patients are treated with respect and that means a lot to me.”